We going to share something about us:

Who We Are?

Lootlobazar.com is a brand-new idea cultivated by two experienced professionals who quit a technology company to start something new and innovative in the space of e-commerce.

With huge strengths in technology, experience in design, strong commitment, and insight to make Lootlobazar.com a leading name in e-shopping globally. Lootlobazar.com is Pakistan’s largest company, providing one of the best-curated collections of Pakistani Dresses, Traditional Dresses, Nayab Jewellery, Trendy Handbags, and Men and Women’s Verities for all personal occasions & festivals.

Lootlobazar.com’s unique propositions:

  1. Contemporary design with customer touch-points.
  2. Customer experience foundation with a fanatical obsession with quality and service delivery.
  3. Highly qualified management team with strong passion and energy.
  4. Multiple categories of products by brand and by personality for every occasion.
  5. Experts offer advice and ideas for selection through instant chat.
  6. Strong product insights and alliance with brands.